Collection storyboard

Software used: Storyboard by Ned Graphics, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Ned Graphics design and repear software, Ned Graphics color reduction and cleaning, color pallet software


Software used: Storyboard by Ned Graphics, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, color pallet software


Software used: Storyboard by Ned Graphics, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Ned Graphics design and repeat software, Ned Graphics color reduction and cleaning, color pallet software

Computerized fabric from scratch

Software used: Photoshop, Ned Graphics design and repear software, Ned Graphics color reduction and cleaning, color pallet software 

Knit fabric 

 Software used: Photoshop, Ned Graphics design and repear software, Ned Graphics color reduction and cleaning, color pallet software, Ned Graphics easy knit

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